For cattle and poultry, nutritional standards have been prepared with respect to the genotype, environment, quality of available raw materials, maintenance methods, production and reproduction requirements, production capacity and phase of production.
Many country produces soybean, groundnut, rapeseed, sunflower, sesame and cotton meals and these are used as major ingredients in animal feeds. For animal feeds, soybean is the most frequently used oil seed meal and has completely replaced fish meal in poultry feeds. Cottonseed cake and meal are often used in cattle feed throughout the country. Groundnut meal is less popular because of the aflatoxin problem. Rapeseed meal is second to soybean meal in production and second to cottonseed cake and meal for cattle feed. Sunflower meal is commonly used in both cattle and poultry feed.
Feed particle machine belonging to feed pelleting equipment. Based on corn, feed processing machinery.
soybean meal, straw, grass, rice husk, etc. crushed particles directly compressed
Minimal nutrient loss for feed pellet machine, the machine processing of grain and smooth surface, moderate hardness, degree of internal curing deep penetration. But can kill pathogenic microorganisms and parasites, using a special process, - dry into and dry-out machinery, feed particles in the processing of various additives can be added to the drug, and ensure feed quality. Because dry into and dry out, the water content of less than 12% pellets, convenience store after sealing. Meanwhile gelatinized powder by high temperature condensation under pressure roller extrusion, extruded from the ring mold hole, segmented cutter, and finally get out of the mouth of pellets from the feed, pellet feed naturally cooled before packaging .