Mineral and vitamin supplements
1. Mineral supplement
Straw and body growth in many mineral elements contents are related to the lack of long-term feeding of these straws is bound to affect the growth and health of livestock. Need to add minerals include calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, selenium, cobalt, etc.
(L) straw of calcium and phosphorus in calcium and phosphorus content is low, particularly phosphorus content is extremely low, 0.02%~0.16, well below the needs of growth and reproduction in ruminant (cattle and sheep on the dietary phosphorus requirements of about 0.3%). Therefore, generally need to add phosphorus in feeds mainly based on straw, calcium supplementation. But straw, because of their silicate content of up to around 17%, affect the absorption and utilization of calcium, can cause negative calcium balance, and calcium should be added.
(2) the sulfur sulfur amino acid composition of rumen microbes can use non-protein nitrogenous compounds sulfur inorganic synthesis of sulfur-containing amino acids, sulfur also has a good role in cellulose digestion. So when cattle and sheep fed urea, sulfur should be added per kilogram of dietary sulfur 2 g of dry matter, nitrogen per gram or the number of 0.1 grams of sulfur.
(3) zinc and cobalt and zinc are important components of various types of casein, directly involved in the synthesis and metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids, promote the metabolism of glycogen; Cobalt are vitamin B12 (cobalamin) the main ingredient, in the role of rumen microbes, in the synthesis of vitamin B12. Zinc and cobalt content in stalks are very low, unable to meet the body's needs, therefore, in feeding straw feed must be added zinc and cobalt. Generally speaking, the suitable amount of cobalt in the diet of 0.5~1 mg/kg of dry matter, sufficient quantity of zinc 40~100 NG Peng kg dry matter.
2. vitamin supplement
Vitamins can be classified into fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin a, vitamin d) and water soluble vitamins (vitamin b, vitamin c, vitamin k, and vitamin e) two broad categories. Adult bovine rumen can synthesize vitamin b and vitamin k, vitamin c can be synthesized in the liver and kidneys. Therefore, apart from suckling calves, these vitamins is not usually necessary to add another. Straw to feed cattle and sheep, you generally need to add vitamins a, vitamin d, and vitamin e, especially should pay attention to add Nicotinic Acid high producing dairy cows.