Currently, the feed pellet mill not only many brands on the market, price-quality is very different from many, this caused some troubles to consumer purchasing. today, small series to teach you a few tips for selecting feed pellet mill.
Select feed pellet mill, according to auxiliary power: instruction manual and on the nameplate of the machine containing the feed pellet mill auxiliary power of electric motor kW.
Second, according to the production capacity of selected feed pellet mill: General description of feed pellet mill and nameplate, are contained within the feed pellet mill capacity rating. However, you should note several points:
a. contained in rated capacity refers to the output of a particular State.
b. selected feed particles machine of capacity should slightly is greater than actual needs of capacity. Three, and according to crushed material select feed particles machine: to crushed grain feed mainly of, can select top Department into material of hammer tablets type feed particles machine; to crushed bran bran Valley wheat class feed mainly of, can select claw type feed particles machine; crushed shells, mineral feed, can selection shells no sieve type feed particles machine; if as pre mixed feed of pre-press processing, should selection special no sieve type feed particles machine,.