Feed processing equipment processing Using the following six ways:
1, cut short long fat: straw, sweet potato vine, grass, hay, vegetables, straw, etc., can be used after feeding livestock need chopped. Cows straw should be cut 2─3 cm; pigs 1─2 cm cut vegetables; sweet potato vine is made about 1 cm. General should be short not long, in order to achieve "Mito inch grass cut, no material also on fat" Feeding effect. If the impurity, such as silt to wash, sieve net.
2, grinding aid digestion: food (grain), sweet potato, cassava for animal feed must be crushed and then fed ground to aid digestion. The thickness of the degree of dispersion should be based on the type of feed and livestock may be. Pigs, cattle feed can be crushed or medium or coarse particles 1─2 mm; chicken feed grain should be ground into a powder. Sweet potato, cassava can be cut into pieces and then dried crushed sweet potato can also be fed beating.
3. Soak the softened: corn, wheat, sorghum, soybean meal and other feed, feed soaked before the best time to use some light salt boiling water to soften and then feed, saving feed, and easy to digest, eating poultry. General feed, water ratio of 1. Length of immersion time, should vary the type of season and feed-in and the hot summer weather soaking time should be short, to prevent rot feed.
4, adjust cooking flavors: beans, peas and soy grain feed, which uses the method of cooking and processing modulation. Practice shows, soybean after cooking, destroyed the soybean antitrypsin, enhanced palatability, improve the digestibility and nutritional value; while increasing the effective soybean protein methionine and cystine, improved biological value protein . But not too long cooking time, usually 50 minutes or so.
5, crisp and sweet roasted: roasting process is primarily a modulation method to concentrate feeding the pig. Grain feed, especially feed grain cereals, after a short time later 130─150 ℃ high temperature furnace, where part of the starch into dextrin, improve the utilization of starch, and can eliminate harmful bacteria, feed sweet, tasty, crispy increased appetite, good feeding effect.
6, silage preservation is good: the green material stored at various cellar, pool, cylinder, under anaerobic conditions for fermentation to produce lactic acid. Guarantees forage nutrients, improve forage utilization and digestibility. And the regulation of the season and off-season forage remaining places, the supply of off-season green sweat effective measures to feed.